FutureNOW Symposium - Re-imagining Practice Through Data Disruption

FutureNOW Symposium: Re-imagining Practice Through Data Disruption

Organized by the AIANY Emerging New York Architects Committee, the FutureNOW symposium will explore design and business practices that have been implemented as a result of technology-driven advancements in the AEC industry.

Now more than ever before, data is being collected and applied to evaluate problems and deliver solutions. Through a series of presentations, discussions, and collaborations, industry leaders and emerging young professionals will share insights about how a data-driven mindset can enhance the design process, quantify the value of good design, and move companies into the future.

The morning will feature several keynote presentations and a panel discussion exploring how new technology has been implemented in existing practice, new practice, and where it could lead us in the future.

During the afternoon workshop participants will form groups to discuss opportunities afforded by new tech in architecture. Each group will be asked to brainstorm how firms can be encouraged to adapt. The ideas will be collected and formatted as part of a new tech implementation toolkit that will be shared with NYC firm leadership.

Following the workshop, each group will briefly share their ideas during a cocktail hour.

more: calendar.aiany.org (67)

AIA New York