NickToons, Nickelodeon's cartoon network, asked adolescent to create a series of humorous "boy-oriented" spots. adolescent rose to the challenge with the idea of a NickToons Arena where original characters find themselves in unique forms of battle. NickToons asked for over-the-top, adrenalin-driven, absurd scenarios and adolescent gave them "VS" (versus) where unlikely characters face off in bizarre places for unknowable reasons.

First in the ring: Canman (a can of spraypaint) vs. Balloonimal (a giant balloon gazelle) fighting each other in an art gallery with fire, funny faces, and a few wicked tricks. The action is shiny and fresh while referencing classic Three-Stooges style conflict - plumes of steam puff from Balloonimal's ears in anger!

In other battles, Cardboard Box faces down Stuffed Animal in car junk yard to see who can eat more. Spin-Psycho (a washing machine) challenges Squid-O-Watt (an electric jellyfish) in a gladiator coliseum full of loose wires and distopian shadows, a post-apocalyptic future-past like in RollerBall or BladeRunner, an association which gives the animated spot a great sense of being at once original and timeless.

On top of being visually dynamic and unpredictable, there's not always a clear winner, and two of the vignettes have alternative endings that will surprise any kid watching.

Based in New York with international presence, adolescent creative team
has been responsible for producing innovative creative work for a variety of projects for entertainment, government and environmental organizations alike. adolescent has collaborated with VH1, MTV Europe and Ireland, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Puma, and the British Government. The team is working on image and brand projects in the areas of broadcast and print media.