Design News

  1. C&G Partners Creates '1938 Projekt - Posts from the Past' for Leo Baeck Institute

    C&G Partners Creates '1938 Projekt: Posts from the Past' for Leo Baeck Institute

    C&G Partners recently created the visual identity, website, exhibition design and social media strategy for the '1938 Projekt: Posts from the Past,' a captivating year-long social, web and physical exhibition program which presents a daily stream of one archival document - a handwritten letter, a diary entry, a photo, a newspaper article - from that year belonging to German-speaking Jews as they lived through the 12 months leading up to Kristallnacht and the beginning of the Holocaust.

  2. Spaces of Action - Designing and Using the Public Realm for Change

    Spaces of Action: Designing and Using the Public Realm for Change

    The past decade has seen a renaissance in the design and construction of the public spaces in New York and other major cities, producing vital new plazas, parks, pedestrian streets, and waterfront areas. While the proliferation of these spaces has visibly enhanced the experience of urban social and cultural life, has this growth in the designed public realm also successfully expanded opportunities for political assembly, speech and dissent?